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- The 10 Biggest Dangers Posed By Future Technology
It’s not easy predicting the future of technology.
In the fifties it seemed a pretty much foregone
conclusion that by 2015 we would all be
commuting to the moon in our flying cars. Yet
here we are, still making a living on earth and still
driving around on four wheels.
Today, predicting the direction in which
technology is heading is a lot easier than it was
65 years ago. Unfortunately, these advancements
don’t always have the potential to benefit
mankind, sometimes the opposite is true. Is our
way of life, or indeed all of humanity, at risk from
these dangers? Or are these predictions just as
outlandish as those made in 1950?
1.There are plenty of people who would argue that
this isn’t a problem posed by future technology,
but one which is already here. After the recent
revelations that Samsung’s range of new smart
TVs may be recording users private conversations
and sharing the details with third parties, the fear
that our home appliances may be spying on us is
becoming less sci-fi paranoia and more a real
So where will this end? Will the rush to embrace
the digital era mean us waving goodbye to our
phone privacy forever? The worry is that a day may
come where every single aspect of our lives is
monitored and recorded by governments who
want to know what we’re up to, conglomerates
investigating our spending habits, or even banks
making sure we aren’t living above our means.
The often repeated line from those wishing to
take our privacy away from us is that it is for our
own protection. That if we’re so concerned about
our privacy, then we must have something to
hide; so stop closing the bathroom door when
you go to the toilet, it makes you look suspicious.
2.Those of a certain age may remember a time
when standard working hours consisted of
Monday through Friday, 9 to 5. When you got
home, work was mostly forgot about until the
next day or after the weekend; it’s now pretty
rare to find any occupation where this is still the
case. As society as a whole becomes even more
connected, we can expect work to intrude ever
more into our home and family lives.
How would this be a danger? For a start there’s
the possibility of companies ruling every aspect of
an employees life, knowing where they are and
what they’re doing at any given time.
also the potential workaholic lifestyle stifling
human creativity. Even today most Americans
spend an extra day a week working after hours,
this is only like to increase in the future, leading
to a multitude of health (death from overworking
isn’t uncommon) and social problems
3.There are people alive today who have never seen
a VHS tape, all they’ve ever known is the digital
era of data storage. Even what was once the
most popular ways of recording information, on
paper and on printed photographs, is becoming
less popular, thanks to the speed and simplicity
their digital alternatives offer.
What possible dangers could arise from
continuing this trend of data storage? Well
there’s the risk of increasingly advanced
technology becoming incompatible with today’s
hardware. This is something we’re seeing now
with data which was stored on cassette and
floppy disks in the eighties. There’s also the
danger of the all the hard drives being wiped – it
can be a lot easier to delete some digital data
than destroy the physical version. And what if, far
into the future, kids are taught to type instead of
write? Will pencils and pens disappear
completely? Could the next DaVinci’s tools be a
mouse instead of a paintbrush?
4.Advancements in technology have always posed
the risk of creating machines that do the jobs of
humans. Manufacturing jobs in particular are
often one of the most at risk areas.
With new advances in the field of robotics being
made every day, it has been estimated that nearly
half of all US jobs will be vulnerable to
computerization within the next 20 years.
Previous employment areas which were once
considered ‘human only’ are now being taken
over by machines. Twenty years ago a self-
checkout machine was thought impossible, now
there are almost half a million worldwide,
enabling one member of staff to run up to six
checkout lanes at a time.
With AI becoming ever more advanced, there may
come a time when computers are able to do jobs
which requires human decision making. With
automatic cars also just around the corner, will
the sole job for humans in the future be the repair
and maintenance of the machines which took
their jobs? Or at least until a device is invented
that can do that as well.
5.Another future danger which many claim is a
problem we are facing today. Has the advent of
social media made society anything but social?
Would you prefer to purchase something online or
using a machine rather than talk to a fellow
human being? Is texting always better than
speaking over the phone? The accusations of
technology destroying the art of conversation may
hold some truth, but what of the future? How will
the next generation’s children of the digital age
interact with others?
If we do stop all non-technological social
interaction, it can result in some unforeseen
problems. There are even biological effects that
arise from lack of human interaction. An online
only world may result in the death of the offline
6.While technology undoubtedly has the ability to
advance us as humans, becoming over-reliant on
it may actually reduce our intelligence. There are
numerous examples today of drivers blindly
following GPS instructions into rivers and ditches,
people who cannot spell without the use of a
word processor, and those who cannot perform
simple math problems without the use of a
So what will the future give us? Top scientist
Professor Stephen Hawking said “The
development of full artificial intelligence could
spell the end of the human race.” Part of this risk
could come from giving more military control over
to Artificial Intelligence, in theory reducing the
chance of human error. While it’s highly unlikely
full military decision making would be handed
over to an AI, areas such as targeting and drone
control could be put in the hands of computers.
Eventually the human race may lose the skills it
has gained over the years; with almost every
aspect of our lives totally reliant on technology.
The problem will come if that technology ever
fails, or turns against us
7.There have been few issues as controversial as
the link between human illness – specifically
cancer – and modern technology. While the
overwhelming amount of evidence suggests that
the use of cell phones and wi-fi does not increase
the risk of cancer, there have been some studies
suggesting the opposite is true.
While the future versions of wi-fi and cellphones
may only pose a minimal threat to user’s health,
it is the environmental dangers which may prove
the biggest risk to humans: the technotrash
which is produced from constantly renewing our
gadgets, the using up of natural resources as
demand increases and prices drop, the pollution
that comes from the manufacture and use of
these items. Unless more effort is put into
developing ‘green’ tech, this could become a
large, if initially unseen, danger in the future
8.Nanotechnology is an area of science and
engineering that involves the study and
manipulation of particles 1-100 nanometers in
size. They have the potential to bring huge
benefits in fields such as science, engineering,
computing and, especially, medicine.
The Gray Goo scenario is the possibility that
these tiny, self-replicating machines may get out
of control and start converting all organic matter
on earth into other nanobots. Leaving behind a
gray goo and a lifeless earth.
While this may seem to some like nothing more
than a science fiction fantasy, the scenario has
been taken seriously enough for a top
nanotechnology researcher to suggest some
public policy recommendations to prevent this
from becoming a horrific reality
9.The singularity is the term used to describe the
hypothesised moment when technology becomes
so advanced it radically changes civilization as
we know it. This could be from an artificial
intelligence reaching a level of super intelligence
we cannot imagine, human biology and
technology becoming so intertwined that we
become almost part machine, or even if we
achieve the ability to upload our consciousness
so that we essentially live forever.
The danger of the singularity comes from the risk
that we may stop being human altogether. Could
there come a point in the far-flung future where
technology really does advance to such a point
that we cannot imagine the consequences? Or is
it just something in the fevered dreams of
10.Professor Stephen Hawking, Bill Gates, Elon Musk,
Clive Sinclair, many top minds are now warning
of the future dangers which uncontrolled
advances in AI could bring. With Musk claiming it
could be “potentially more dangerous than
nukes “.
Part of the reason people don’t take the threat
from AI seriously is the number of times it has
been showcased in fiction. Movies such as
Terminator have made this threat appear as
worrisome as aliens invading. Yet every year huge
advancements in the field are made, and without
careful controls in place, the chance of creating a
super intelligent AI will increase as time
progresses. If this happens, not only may it
consider humans a lower form of life and
therefore expendable, but it may even create more
AI’s, making the human race obsolete
source: Nairaland